Friday, September 2, 2011


A beautiful thing happened at church a few weeks ago. I was at a bible study after service. The woman leading the bible study asked if anyone had any prayer requests or praises. Abba began to tug at my heart. I almost didn't listen... but He wouldn't leave me alone and pulled even harder on my heart :) I raised my hand and began to tell this group of ladies how God had put this project upon my heart. I told them how I had written to Yad Vashem (the Holocaust Museum in Israel) and to my great joy that they had responded. These sisters in Christ praised G-d with me! This moment was so lovely! So completely filled with Holy Spirit! It didn't stop there! After the Bible study one of the ladies came up, and with tears shining in her eyes she said that she wanted to help me financially with the memorial. She was such a blessing to my heart as she spoke. What a Beautiful heart!
How you amaze me! You have wrapped your arms around me constantly! Thank you for these sweet blessings! I pray that we will be a blessing in your name!
Yours for Eternity,

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