Friday, September 2, 2011


An excerpt from my journal

I have been asking God to send me to Israel, to speak of the Messiah that they (the Jews) wait for, who has already come and will come again  I have had a special love for the Jewish people for some time now, planted deep within my heart by the Master Artist, Abba, Hashem, Yeshua the Messiah. Today He has given me a vision: I am to put together an art piece for the Jewish people, a memorial to the children who were killed in the Holocaust. I’m not sure how all this is going to come together, but I have no doubt that it will. This is not of my making… I will be a tool, not the artist. My Abba will lead the way.

And so it began and continues… allow me to share with you, my brothers and sisters in Christ the task that Christ has set before me: Right now I’m working on a mosaic which will be the centerpiece of this memorial. The mosaic will be made of pebbles, each pebble symbolizes a child 10 years or younger who was murdered in the Holocaust. In Jewish culture they place stones on gravesites instead of flowers, hence the pebbles. I have a list of 11,000 names that I’m writing on the Pebbles… these names are from the list of names at Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum in Israel. 11,000 names out of 1.5 million children who were known to have been murdered in the Holocaust… And there are many unknown names….

Brothers and Sister in Christ, The more I have studied the Holocaust the more my heart is filled with sadness and anger at the evil that took place in the name of Christ. We wonder why the Jewish people have closed their hearts so often to Christ… I wonder no more.

            Above you see a WWII Nazi SS Belt Buckle. Upon it are the words “Gott Mit Uns” translating into English as, “God with us.”  These people people called themselves Christians… and ladies gentlemen it wasn’t just Germany that turned their hearts from the Jewish people…. Indeed, all across Europe, Jews were turned over to the Germans and their adopted demons from all over Europe. Anti-Semitism became normal and acceptable. Right became wrong, and wrong became right. Voices that should have spoken for the Jews were, silent and the darkness of hell itself moved swiftly, the doors of its cage had been opened and many men and women opened their souls as living quarters to this demon of death and destruction… and they sacrificed many innocent people, mostly Jews on an altar of hate and cruelty. Soaked into the earth of Europe is the blood of Jews… 6,000,000 of them.
Austria 50,000 
Italy 7,680
Belgium 28,900
Latvia 71,500
Bohemia/Moravia 78,150
Lithuania 143,000
Luxembourg 1,950
Denmark 60
Netherlands 100,000
Estonia 2,000
Norway 762
Finland 7
Poland 3,000,000
France 77,320
Romania 287,000
Germany 141,500
Slovakia 71,000
Greece 67,000
Soviet Union 1,100,000
Hungary 569,000
Yugoslavia 63,300

 Throughout these countries Jews were taken and slaughtered… Millions. I have read many Memoirs of Holocaust survivors and many speak of being called Christ Killers by Nazi soldiers and SS and civilians. More sadly than that I think was the pain of seeing their “Christian” neighbors turning their backs upon them. What is worse, to inflict pain or to allow it to go unquestioned and untried? I wonder how the people who called themselves “Christians” felt when they hefted the cross from their own back onto the backs of the Jewish people? They attempted to dump their sin on the Jews, by blaming them for all the troubles in Germany and for the death of Christ. They threw the word of Christ into the fire and tried to re-write it, twisting it into to something else… therefore no longer the words of Christ.

You may be thinking at this point that I’m being too harsh to the people of Europe. But I completely disagree with you if that is your thought. Truth is truth. As I continue to read and study the Holocaust the sin that took place becomes darker and darker and the excuses fade into that darkness, leaving only blood and complete blackness. I have often asked God why he would allow such evil to take place and I don’t know the full answer, but I do know When we see sin for how ugly and dark it is, we can see how amazingly beautiful is the grace of God… that He died for such sin as this… How amazingly pure the lamb that was slain! The light shines the very brightest when it is held up in the dark!

I find myself reassuring myself that I’m a “good Christian” because I don’t go about perusing sin and yet at the same time I back down from speaking the truth of Christ or standing up in the midst of a storm, allowing fear to overwhelm my heart…  We are the body of Christ! Whom shall we fear? Now is the time to act! Time for our beliefs to become actions… I believe that God has instructed me to build this memorial to show the Jewish people the love of the Messiah. I pray that you, my fellow followers of Christ will also show this love. Roman 11:11-12 says:
 11 Again I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel envious. 12 But if their transgression means riches for the world, and their loss means riches for the Gentiles, how much greater riches will their full inclusion bring!”

In history what examples of Christ have we, as the body of Christ shown the Jewish people?  What love have we shown them? Let this century be the century of truth! May the Jewish people see the Messiah for who He is, not how demons have painted Him! May we proudly proclaim that we serve a Messiah that was born of a  virgin Jewess, a Messiah that adores the Jewish people and has and is fulfilling the prophecies of the Torah, The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!    

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